
Cynical Faith vs Child-Like Faith
15th October 2023 | Daniel Macleod
When we come to God we remember that He is a good Father. The moment we turn our heart to God and talk to Him, He draws near to hear us. In this sermon, Daniel reminds us that God likes to delight in us, and that when we approach Him we should so with child-like faith.

Decoding Evangelism
8th October 2023 | Daniel Macleod
It can often feel like a daunting task to share your faith with others. In this sermon Daniel lays out ways that we can simply and naturally share the gospel with those around us.

Confident Christians
17th September 2023 | Daniel Macleod
In this sermon, Daniel exhorts us to share the gospel boldly, to do it simply by being confident in our personality and speaking the truth of the gospel plainly.

Our Five Priorities
16th July 2023 | Daniel Macleod
In this sermon, Daniel talks through our five priorities for every follower of Jesus at Trinity Church London. He talks through how we are abiding in Christ, building the church, proclaiming the gospel, blessing the city, and serving the nations.

God at Work
14th May 2023 | Steve Oliver
Come and See! So many times we fret about how to tell others about the good news of Jesus, but often a simple invitation to ‘come and see’ is enough. Jesus is the one who initiates the encounter with people and brings transformation. Let us be a people who simply invite people to ‘come and see’, and watch Jesus work through our obedience.

The Day that Changed History: Past, Present, and Future
9th April 2023 | Richard Palmer
In this sermon Richard reminds us that our faith hinges on the resurrection of Jesus. Because Jesus rose from the dead we can walk in confidence knowing that every promise of God had been fulfilled in Him.

Handling Your Money Well | Daniel Macleod
5th March 2023 | Daniel Macleod
Jesus spoke about money several times, because He knew that money is the chief competitor for our affections and our hearts. In this sermon Daniel talks about how we can deal with our money appropriately, submitting all we have to Jesus, and finding freedom in doing so.

The Role of Deacons | Richard Palmer
22nd January 2023 | Richard Palmer
In this teaching, Richard explores the biblical understanding of the role of Deacons, and what it means to serve as a Deacon within the church.

Responses to Jesus | Onohili Ejodame
18th December 2022 | Onohili Ejodame
This sermon looks at the 3 responses to Jesus’ birth in Matthew 2:1-12.

Transformative Decisions | Jackie Ying Butt
11th December 2022 | Jackie Ying Butt
Drawing from the events surrounding the birth of Jesus in Matthew 1:18-25, Jackie talks about the complexities of making decisions. Concluding that we have a decision to make on how to respond to Jesus.